The Psychology and Neurobiology of Mediation – Table of Contents
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
The following is the table of contents for my new article on the psychology and neurobiology of mediation.
Elizabeth E. Bader, The Psychology and Neurobiology of Mediation,
Vol. 17(2) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (Winter Issue 2016).
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. A Neurobiology of Mediation: An Overview
III. Elements of Neurobiology Relevant to Conflict and Conflict Resolution
A. The Autonomic Nervous System
B. Neuroception: Scanning the Environment or Threat
C. The Sympathetic Nervous System: Mobilization for Action
D. The Parasympathetic Nervous System: Calming Down
E. The Social Engagement System: Neural Bases of Social Communication
F. The Freeze/Immobility Response and Disassociation
IV. A Profile of the Process of Mediation From the Perspective of Neurobiology
A. The Opening Session
B. Toward A Neurobiology of “Face” in Mediation
C. Mutuality and the Social Engagement System
D. Joint Sessions vs. Caucusing
1. The Role of Trauma
a) Mediating in the Shadow of Trauma
2. The Role of Gender
a) Reflections on the Role of Gender
3. Toward a Case-By-Case Approach
E. Overconfidence
1. Examples of Overconfidence
2. Lawyers and Overconfidence
3. Overconfidence from the Perspective of Neurobiology
4. Findings from Cognitive Neuroscience
5. The Primacy of “Face” and Issues of Self-Esteem
F. Offer, Counteroffer and Pendulation
G. Deflation
H. Toward a Resolution of “Face” Issues
I. Impasse
1. Impasse and the Mediator’s Issues of Self and Identity
2. Impasse from a Neurobiological Perspective
3. The Relationship Between Impasse and Insight
J. Realistic Resolution
V. Final Reflections on the IDR Cycle